Myanmar and Indonesia Workshops – June 2022

Our teacher from Indonesia will teach you how to make Indonesian chili sauce with dried shrimp paste and make them into a chili sauce that is suitable for any food.

Our guests will introduce the landmarks and characteristics of all the Myanmar states from the perspective of Burmese in Hong Kong, while also sharing their experiences and personal stories in Myanmar in the last 2 years.

Dialogue: Ukrainian Refugee Crisis 烏克蘭難民的日與夜

Our Ukrainian and Polish guests will share about the experience of their familiy members since 10 Feb 2022 and will talk about their personal experience of what they have been doing to help the Ukrainian refugee families. Our friend will also share what actions have been taken within the Ukrainian community in Hong Kong to Read more about Dialogue: Ukrainian Refugee Crisis 烏克蘭難民的日與夜[…]

Explore Kazakhstan 🇰🇿 探索哈薩克

What do you associate with the 9th largest country in the world? Perhaps the fresh air that blows gently through the steppe? Or maybe it’s the futuristic looking buildings of Nur-Sultan? Whether it is your first time hearing about Kazakhstan or you are a seasoned traveller in the Central Asia region, join us as our guests from Kazakhstan bring you on a virtual tour around their hometown and show you some local secrets.

ICE I Capoeira Experience Workshop

  What is Capoeira? Capoeira is a martial art that combines elements of fight, acrobatics, music, dance and rituals in a very elegant and magnetic way. It was developed in the beginning of African slavery in Brazil mainly by West Africans, in the 16th century. It was granted a status as “intangible cultural heritage” by Read more about ICE I Capoeira Experience Workshop

Back from a conference on social innovation and volunteerism – United Nations of Geneva

On 12 and 13 June, ICE had the honour of being a partner and co-organiser of a conference on social innovation and volunteerism (#INFOCUS) at the United Nations of Geneva. It was a unique experience to enter the “Palais des Nations” (or “Palace of Nations”) every morning – a building from the 1930s for the Read more about Back from a conference on social innovation and volunteerism – United Nations of Geneva[…]

Social Innovation #infocus Conference, June 12-13 2018

ICE has been working with the National Association for the Development of Education “Friendship Notebook” for the last few months to support the #INFOCUS conference that is going to hold tomorrow, June 12-13 in the United Nations Office at Geneva.  We would like to proudly announce that our General Manager, Till and Business Consultant, Iwona, will Read more about Social Innovation #infocus Conference, June 12-13 2018[…]

Christmas Crackers: A UK Tradition

Crackers are typically pulled at the Christmas dinner table or at parties.  In one version of the cracker tradition, the person with the larger portion of cracker empties the contents from the tube and keeps them. In another, each person has their own cracker and keeps its contents regardless of whose end they were in. Typically these Read more about Christmas Crackers: A UK Tradition

【Free】Indonesian Woleka Dance

【印尼傳統舞蹈工作坊 Indonesian Woleka Dance 】 相信大家喺香港接觸過吾少印尼姐姐,但大家對印尼呢個國家除左印尼撈麵仲有幾深嘅認識?我地今次就帶比大家Woleka Dance。Woleka Dance係印尼最南部松巴島嘅傳統舞蹈,男女舞者通常都有截然不同嘅動作。呢種舞蹈通常喺當地人接待貴賓、文化節日、藝術表演嘅時候表演㗎! Woleka Dance is one of the most famous traditional welcome dance of Southwest Sumba, in the southernmost province of Indonesia. This dance is usually danced by male and female dancers with very distinctive movements. This dance is often featured in various events such as the reception of Read more about 【Free】Indonesian Woleka Dance