Cultures of Wearing Mask

大家戴口罩勤洗手嘅同時,我哋仲問咗嚟自其他國家嘅Guest,以下節錄部分意見🤭 We asked our friends what do their cultures/countries think about wearing masks? Here is what some of replies we received: 尼泊爾🇳🇵Some of the cities such as Kathmandu have alot of dust and pollution, it’s pretty common in Nepal around most of the cities to see people wearing surgical masks or a filtered face mask. Read more about Cultures of Wearing Mask[…]

Asia Pacific Forum on Youth Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Thank you UNDP for inviting Jey to join the Asia-Pacific conference – 亞太青年領導力創新創業論壇 (Check out 0:46 and 1:13 if you want to find Jey!) I am extremely grateful to UNDP in Bangkok and Youth Co:Lab for providing me the opportunity to visit Beijing after 22 years and take part in the Asia Pacific Forum on Youth Read more about Asia Pacific Forum on Youth Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship[…]